14 Facts About Life in Japan

14 Facts About Life in Japan - WebNewsOrbit

Japan is a country you can visit 20 times, but it still never ceases to amaze 🇯🇵. The local customs and rules seem too alien to foreigners. We have found 14 more rules of life in Japan that Europeans or Americans rarely hear about.

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Only in Japan do people live over 100, choose to have pets instead of children, and sleep at work. But there's a lot more to it.

1. In Shimabara, Koi fish live in street canals.

In Shimabara, Japan, Koi fish live in street canals - WebNewsOrbit

Freshwater springs flow through the city. The water is so clean, in 1978 Koi fish were released there. They still populate the canals.

2. Around 100,000 people disappear in Japan every year.

Around 100,000 people disappear in Japan every year -  WebNewsOrbit

There "evaporating peoples" are a taboo topic. They are assumed to have committed suicide over some dishonour. But in fact, many of them move to the slums or change their identity. This is a common way of self-banishment over perceived dishonour.

3. There are friends and relatives for rent.

There are friends and relatives for rent -  WebNewsOrbit

Lonely people can rent a "friend" or "loved one" from an agency. The actors can perform any role they are paid for, except sexual.

4. Japanese schools kids clean up their classrooms. 

Japanese schools kids clean up their classrooms -  WebNewsOrbit

There are no janitors in Japanese schools. Every day, the students stay for 15 minutes after class. They vacuum, sweep and clean their classrooms.

5. Otaku is a popular subculture.

Otaku is a popular subculture -  WebNewsOrbit

It's a sort of double identity for anime fans. Young people may live their life as a favourite character. They spend time entirely in character dressed in costume.

6. Napping at work is standard practice.

Napping at work is standard practice -  WebNewsOrbit

It's a sign that shows dedication. Working yourself to exhaustion is common in Japan. So a hard worker is expected to get nap breaks. 

7. Manhole covers are often decorated.

Manhole covers are often decorated -  WebNewsOrbit

The design often reflects local culture. There are almost 6,000 artistic manholes (maintenance holes) covered in Japan.

8. There are cuddling services for lonely people.

There are cuddling services for lonely people -  WebNewsOrbit

Some agencies offer to sleep and cuddle with someone else. No sex is involved, just hugging or literally sleeping. An hour of "co-sleeping" is about $60.

9. Restaurants advertise with fake food.

Restaurants advertise with fake food japan -  WebNewsOrbit

It's common in Japan to have miniature models of dishes displayed. That way, you know what your meal will look like. These models used to be made of wax but now are usually plastic.

10. Tokyo has a robot restaurant.

Tokyo - Japan has a robot restaurant -  WebNewsOrbit

It features a robot show with dragons, ninjas, and lasers. The performances are changed every month.

11. KFC is traditional Christmas food.

KFC is traditional Christmas food in Japan -  WebNewsOrbit

Every year, 3.6 million Japanese families order at KFC for Christmas. The weird custom began after an ad campaign in 1974.

12. There are professional apologizers.

There are professional apology expert in japan -  WebNewsOrbit

You can pay an agency to apologize for you. It can be done by email, phone call, or in person. "Apology experts" are trained psychologists.

13. Japanese nightclubs don't allow dancing

Japanese nightclubs don't allow dancing - japan no dancing law -  WebNewsOrbit

Most clubs actually have "no dancing" signs. The law bans dancing at clubs smaller than 710 square feet. Floorspace in Japan is at a premium, so most clubs can't afford dancing.

14. There is virtually no theft.

There is virtually no theft in japan -  WebNewsOrbit

If you lose a wallet in Japan, it will be returned to a police box. Looting is unheard of, even after major disasters. In 2017, there were just 250 thefts per 100,000 people.

Have you ever been to this unique country?

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